

We are pleased to announce that due to the generous support of the Mellon Foundation — for a three-year grant: Africana Studies and the Humanities at Skidmore: Transnational Explorations in Social Justice — we are able to offer stipends of $1,000 to faculty who successfully create courses cross-listed with the Black Studies Program (BST). Note that in order to be compensated, you need to submit a 指南的形式 提交给BST顾问委员会. 1, 2024, as well as a proposal to Curriculum Committee (CC) by Dec. 15, 2024. Stipends cannot be distributed for courses already counting toward the Black studies minor; however, they could include existing courses with significant revisions. For additional support in developing a course for BST, consider joining one of the 种族正义学习社区 offered each semester and piloting the course for the 种族正义教学挑战赛. For additional information, please contact the co-PIs, Professor and Director of Black Studies Winston Grady-Willis and 美国研究教授 and CLTL Director Beck Krefting. 

Universal Design Training Opportunity: Applying Universal Design for Learning Principles 到你的课程
Supported by a grant from the New York State Education Department, CLTL and 学生学术服务 are collaborating to support a limited number of faculty interested in Universal 学习设计(UDL)培训. 2024年5月,纽约州立大学专业中心 发展提供了一个 培训的机会
The six-week asynchronous course runs from May 14 to June 24 and will introduce learners to UDL, the benefits of accessible content, and how it promotes student success. Learners will see how UDL offers insight for more effective teaching and learning. In addition to supporting the full cost of attendance, participating faculty members will receive 750美元的津贴. In exchange, faculty will be asked to share their experience and consult 和其他教员一起. 找到程序的完整描述 online. 有兴趣注册的教师请联系 Jamin Totino. 这个机会先到先得. 更多的信息 and 学生奖状 are available.  

This spring, the CLTL is joining forces with 学生学术服务 to develop a consultancy program pairing folks on campus who have undergone training in Universal Design for Learning (UDL) with colleagues who wish to adopt UDL practices in their 自己设计和实践课程. 参与的教师将有机会 for an individual consultation (60-90 minutes) with a fellow staff/faculty member 学习通用设计. 如果你认为你会从中受益 kind of tailored individual pedagogical support, please email Beck Krefting,他会将您与UDL顾问联系起来. 我们将尽一切可能提供便利 requests, but there are a limited number of consultancies (first come, first served). This program is funded in part by a grant from the New York State Department of Education. 

Announcing the Summer 2024 Open Education Publishing Institute  
The Graduate Center (GC) of the City University of New York has announced it summer 2024 Open Education Publishing Institute: Collaborative Knowledge and Social Justice 并呼吁参与者. 这个研究所是由国家捐赠基金资助的 for the Humanities for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities grant program and is hosted by GC Digital Initiatives and the GC Teaching and Learning Center. 

You are likely thinking about how AI will impact teaching in higher education; for instance, what does an AI statement on your syllabus look like? CLTL和led都有 合作创建了一个页面 教学大纲陈述示例 由校园里的同事提供. 别忘了火博体育是个机构 member of the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD), through which you have FREE access to many excellent professional development tools. You may utilize this and more with a free individual membership account by visiting the NCFDD website, selecting our institution, and creating and activating a new membership. Check out 即将举行的火博体育学术界人工智能的网络研讨会,其中之一 教学的挑战与机遇 还有一个火博体育 讨论当前教师面临的挑战.

LGBTQIA+ Resources 
去年春天,CLTL团队与Phoenix Gold合作enberg ’25, president of Skidmore Pride Alliance, to develop instructional materials for students, staff, and faculty on how to be an ally to LGBTQIA+ folks. 戈登伯格带头 and interviewed students and faculty across departments and programs to design materials (e.g., 课堂调查问卷, a list of 适当的术语, best practices for making LGBTQIA+ folks feel a sense of belonging on campus, web resources, and a fun video 学生特色).  

学生支持 Services 
In addition to the in-person services provided by the 咨询中心 — Skidmore provides teletherapy services offered through BetterMynd. Students have up to 12 sessions of teletherapy per academic year. 此外,学生 能访问最多三个吗e 每年举办小组技能培训工作坊. The 学生评估及干预小组 remains a resource to share non-emergency concerns about your students (e.g., attendance). 你可以找到 从这里开始. 

韦勒室和外借图书馆(LIB 212)
This space devoted to CLTL events is also available for (quiet) workspace each weekday 早上9点开始 a.m. to noon. Folks participating in the Scholarly/Creative Endeavors (SCE) work groups are especially encouraged to 在开会吃午饭前利用这个地方. 这里有咖啡、茶、调味品, 清洁用品和纸制品. 所有教师都可以刷卡进入该空间; if you are participating in SCE work groups and you do not have access, you may contact Darlene LeBaron 激活你的身份证. If you wish to reserve the space for events that advance the CLTL mission, you may submit 在线请求 here. 韦勒室 also has a lending library with relevant texts on critical pedagogical studies, navigating higher education, DEIJAB 在课堂上,通用设计 for 学习教育学. To use the l结束库:  

  1. 选择你想要的书 我们的精彩选择. 
  2. 在这里填一下表格. 
  3. 好好阅读,然后回韦勒屋(LIB 完工时!